You are watching Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi The Animation Episode 1 English, you can watch more episodes of this hentai series here Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi The Animation
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Hentai: Boku to Nurse no Kenshuu Nisshi The Animation

Starting his new life as a resident doctor in pursuit of his dream of becoming a doctor, our main character reunites with his childhood friend the day he enters his program. Being his senior, she teaches him the ropes as he lives his busy life as a resident doctor. One day, he ends up protecting her during a fall. Fracturing bones in both his right arm and left leg, his residency ends up getting put on hiatus for the time being. His care was put under the ward that his childhood friend works at. She looks at him depressed, feeling a sense of guilt for what happened. Seeing her like that, he tells her that she can come and see him on his free time, to which she agrees. She agrees so much that she does more than enough in caring for him. And like that, the hospital love story between these two characters begins.

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  • tameme 001 6 years ago

    more episode

  • Andee 6 years ago

    Thank god this didn’t become an NTR…

  • Doujinworldz1994 6 years ago

    I liked some of the animation but overall I was super bored watching this. The colors are super bland, the charcters felt boring and also felt like cut outs from some other hospital hentai except maybe slight better quality. Not for me.

  • Death to NTR 6 years ago

    NTR has been spreading like a goddamn plague these last few years….

  • RED the Flame 6 years ago

    the style was kinda boring. I kno vanilla cucks cant handle it but, I love NTR.

  • are there more episodes like this??